Many consumers contacted the companies after receiving direct-mail coupons through advertising services, such as “Super Coups” and “Clipper Magazine,” which advertised “Whole Duct House Cleaning” for prices from $37.95 to $69.95. The Division alleged that the companies often failed to perform the services for the specified price. In many cases, the coupons were allegedly used to bait the buyer into purchasing higher-priced services.
No Scam = Mr. Duct Cleaner = Professional
Improving indoor air quality can lead to better smells, cheaper utility bills, and overall healthier occupants. The past few years have taught us to pay attention to those things in our homes and office that we cannot see.
Clean Up after Freeze Damage Should Include Duct Cleaning
Did you know that most insurance companies will pay for HVAC and Duct system cleaning when there...
Dust in Your Air Ducts
When my kids were little and I told them to clean their rooms, they would shove all their dirty...
Resolve to Have Movie Ducts
Mr. Duct Cleaner is amazed in the movies when someone crawls through the ducts to get away from the bad guy or get to the treasure that the person emerges dust and dirt free! The vent pops open and no dirt falls to the floor. The surface is gleaming and shiny as they make their way through. They can breathe easily because amazingly there are no dirt or dust particles in the vents.
Condenser Cleaning
Mr. Duct Cleaner has specially designed equipment that can clean outside as well as inside systems. We do more than just wipe down or spray off the outside of the unit. We thoroughly clean your condensing unit, freeing it from debris and contaminants and allowing the motor to work more efficiently. Yes, you could clean a bit off by yourself, without calling us, but just because you can do it doesn’t mean you can do it properly or that you should be the one doing it at all. Call the experts and leave the cleaning to us.
Living In Dirt
It costs you nothing to have a Mr. Duct Cleaner trained person give you an estimate on whether your system needs to be cleaned and let you know how much it will cost to have it done by experienced professionals using equipment specifically designed for the work.
Prepare the Lungs of Your Home for Fall
Mr. Duct Cleaner follows NADCA (National Air Duct Cleaners Association) to professionally clean all the ducts as well as clean the blower fan, the box around your unit (plenum), the coil, and the drain pan.
How Do I Know If I Need to Have My Ducts Cleaned?
When do you need to get your duct and HVAC system cleaned? Mr. Duct Cleaner knows it is typically when you have had an “event” happen.
Dirt Hides in Ducts
Mr. Duct Cleaner sent our professional team of technicians to thoroughly clean the HVAC and duct system. We were able to use an ozone fog to permeate the system and remove any lingering smell from the HVAC system. The sellers were happy and the new home buyers were assured that the ducts and HVAC system were clean and running more efficiently.