Yep, It is that time of year when even the warmest parts of the country experience cooler...
Dirty Indoor Air at School
Is your child’s HVAC system at school Clean Sealed? Do they have Aerus Air Scrubbers installed?...
Feel The Results of HVAC and Duct Cleaning
Mr. Duct Cleaner has a problem: What we do is not always easy to see. The dirt and contaminants...
40 lbs of Dirt in Ducts Per Year
A typical household accumulates forty pounds, YES 40 lbs of dirt in their ducts per year! NADCA -...
Open Your Windows
Mr. Duct Cleaner asks, what’s the most frugal thing you can do to improve your air quality? The...
Sharing the Air You Breathe
Do you realize that the air you breathe inside is not just yours? Even if you live alone, if you...
Changing Temperatures Create Dirt in HVAC
It is the time of year in which the outside temperature could be 60 degrees or 18 degrees...
NADCA Certified Professional HVAC and Duct System Cleaners
How do you know the crew coming to clean your ducts is trustworthy and professional? Look for...
Tale of Duct Cleaning Fail
This blog is not written by AI, and this is a true story. The names have been changed to protect...
Who is Cleaning Your Ducts?
You’ve taken the first step and decided indoor air quality is important. Mr. Duct Cleaner is...