Are your employees out of the office enjoying the holidays? Take advantage of this downtime to improve the indoor air in the working space and have your HVAC and duct systems cleaned and sealed. Schedule your HVAC and duct system cleaning with the elves at Mr. Duct Cleaner and you can improve indoor air quality while investing in your employees’ health and wellness. By doing so, you will cut down on absenteeism as well. This is also the perfect opportunity to have your duct leakage repaired! You may ask, what is the side benefit that adds to your bottom line? With the Clean Seal repair, you should have a lower utility bill, typically 30% lower per month.
Our specially trained elves work during the “off days”, which are the days that are between the official holiday and the next official work week. The elves can typically complete an office or whole home clean during that time. Now is the time to reserve your spot on our schedule; therefore, when your workers and customers return to the office or store after the holidays, you can rest assured that the indoor air quality will be improved.
An investment in cleaning your HVAC system and improving your indoor air quality is an investment in your employees’ and customers’ health. Keeping your employees healthy translates to fewer sick days and better morale. Mr. Duct Cleaner recommends that most commercial systems be cleaned every two to three years depending upon the maintenance regimen and the demand on the HVAC system. Outbreaks of COVID and RSV may warrant cleaning more often.
The Clean Seal duct repair is warranted for 10 years, so a one-time investment in sealing those little holes and leaks in your ducts can lead to a lifetime of savings.
Contact us for your FREE estimate and get on the Mr. Duct Cleaner team of elves schedule.
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