Mr. Duct Cleaner asks, what do one-ply toilet paper, cheap duct cleaners, and dollar store toys have to do with one another? …They are all the lowest cost offering of products for their purpose.

One-ply toilet paper is cheaper than two-ply paper. It serves the purpose of toilet paper. However, it doesn’t quite do the job the way 2-ply does. So as a consumer, when you choose to buy two-ply toilet paper you are recognizing that low price isn’t everything.

Let’s talk about dollar store toys. One of the cruelest tricks I ever played on my sister-in-law revolved around these toys. You know the kind I speak of, the cheap rat-a-tat machine guns, the rubber paddles with the ball and string attached, the fake plastic knives, the cheap bubble makers, etc. My sister-in-law had agreed to have a sleepover party with my kids and hers. Our family was well known for playing practical jokes. Before I dropped my children off, I stopped by the dollar store, handed them a twenty-dollar bill, and told them to buy some toys. I then deposited my kids and the toys on her doorstep, knowing full well that they would all most likely be broken before the next morning and that there would be lots of noise and probably a few tears involved. Cruelty at its best.

Cheap duct cleaners are just as described, CHEAP. The $99 for the whole house bait and switch hooligans. Buyer beware if you choose the cheap guys for duct and HVAC system cleaning. Using them is like buying the one-ply toilet paper. A little bit of dirt gets picked up but at a major cost to the user. And if you want more areas cleaned, it will take a lot of extra work!

Mr. Duct Cleaner is NOT 1-ply toilet paper. We are professional, experienced and do a thorough job of cleaning. We know there are cheaper duct cleaners than us. But there is no greater value than Mr. Duct Cleaner. Don’t fall for the cheap cleaner. You will most likely get cheap service. Contact Mr. Duct Cleaner for your FREE estimate.

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