Mr. Duct Cleaner hears a lot about duct cleaning scammers.  Many neighborhood community groups are inundated with these bait and switch duct cleaning scammers. It is a rare occurrence for us to point you to another social media site, however, this man sums it up very well, and he is worth following as a digital consumer advocate. Here is the link from Pleasant Green for reference. Please take ten minutes to consume it. “Have you guys seen these Air Duct Cleaning posts?! They seem to be everywhere on Facebook. Who’s behind them? Is it a scam? Will you get your ducts cleaned if you call them? I take you behind the curtains in this video, and I think you’ll be pretty surprised”.

Mr. Duct Cleaner has battled these scammers.  We feel the backlash and complaints from potential customers that have been fooled and are unhappy.   They give duct cleaning a bad reputation. HVAC and duct system cleaning has become an imperative step in improving Indoor Air Quality.  The easiest way to find a qualified professional is to use a Mr. Duct Cleaner franchise and locate them on our website. 
However, if you are in your social media group and that post claiming the person has “just moved into the community and wants work” has pulled at your heartstrings or tugged at your wallet, watch out! You may be falling prey to the duct cleaning scammer.  Here are a few more red flags to look for:

  • Two First Names- Foreign scammers like to choose a personal name that is two first names used as first and last.   Mark David, Luke Allan,  Peter David  ( great tip from Pleasant Green: try to check if they are real)
  • Grammar is a bit off, and they use the word KINDLY
  • No website with reviews, a Facebook page is pointed to (social media pages are easier to create than web addresses and harder to check location of origin) If a website is pointed to, be sure to CALL the number on the website and confirm.
  • If there is an accent, be sure to check the company out on NADCA or their website. Mr. Duct Cleaner has a very successful franchise in Orlando that is run by a French man, Alex Vibert, with a wonderful accent!  Alex is NADCA certified and can be located on the NADCA master website.
  • Check for NADCA (National Air Duct Cleaners Association) certification- They may lie and say they are certified, so double-check on at for their certificate and use that phone number to call them back.
  • The price they quote is far below that of other reputable duct cleaners in your area.  It is probably a rip-off if it is too good to be true.

Why would these scammers be posting in a neighborhood group and trying to get you to agree to an appointment time?  What’s their benefit?    Stay tuned for Part 2 of the Don’t Get Duct Cleaning Scammed to find out.  Hint:  You don’t want whoever shows up in your home.

  Had enough warnings about scammers and ready to schedule a FREE Estimate with the professionals at Mr. Duct Cleaner?  Contact us.

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