Mr. Duct Cleaner employees are all taking the time to celebrate our fathers.  We are putting down our machinery, our tools and keeping the vans parked to enjoy the holiday.  Indoor air quality can wait a day.

If you are lucky enough to have your father alive and in person to celebrate, relish this.   My father passed away more than 29 years ago.  Even though it’s been awhile, I still hear his words in my head and see him in my children’s actions.  As time goes by, I remember the good times more than the imperfections.  He was not perfect, far from it, but he was my dad.

I was reminded of him recently when looking for pictures of my daughter for her bachelorette party.  This picture of Dad showed up, holding a very young Maggie.  He passed away shortly after.

A lot of my memories of him are food memories.  I still have the cast iron skillet he made us biscuits and gravy in every Sunday morning.  When I was in eighth grade, we had an all-day field trip to downtown St. Louis, including a stop at Soulard market.  My dad, who was retired, volunteered to go.  I didn’t want him to come.  I was embarrassed that my DAD was coming and not my mom (back then Mr. Mom was not a thing yet).  He was the hit of the trip.  He bought two huge bags of fresh cherries, and on the bus ride back passed them out to all the kids.  We had so much fun spitting cherry pits out the window!

I recently returned to my hometown of St. Louis and had to go by the Soulard farmer’s market and buy cherries.  I make myself sick eating them, however I do it every chance I get.

Happy Fathers Day everyone.  Hope you have some good memories.  Eat some cherries and biscuits and gravy for me!  Hug your Dad if you still can.

Mr. Duct Cleaner loves our dads

Happy fathers day

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